Hugo Fazio Rigazzi
Hello dears!
Today i'm going to talk you about a very important chilean that some of you have had as economy teacher in our career: Hugo Fazio Rigazzi.
In the web there aren't a detailed biography -I didn't find a data that a lot of people in our faculty would like to know: his date of birth-, so I'm going to show you what I've found.
Hugo Fazio exerces as economy teacher in several faculties of the ARCIS, Academia de Humanismo Cristiano and Universidad de Chile's universities. During the Salvador Allende's government, he was the Vice-President of the Chili's Central Bank.
Since 1974 he publish Weekly Economic Reports and Quarterly Economic Reports, where he analyze the chilean economy.
His publications deals with the chilean economy -and her global economy connections with-, and they are based in extensive and documentated researches, that are particulary focused in the social effects of the Neoliberalism Economic Model application in our country, as the uneven distribution of wealth -and the strong concentration of-.
I like and strongly recommend you to read his works beacause he has a critical vision of the chilean economic and social model, founded in a lot of data and that involves a multidimensional analysis.
Have a good week-end!
Good Luis.
RépondreSupprimerYou should ssay, though, there isn´t a detailed biography or any information or data relaed to him.
Also say, "he works" and "he has published weekely reports in which he analyses..."
Lastly, I would say "based on data".
2 points.