vendredi 6 juillet 2012

My Blogging Experience

Today I'm gonna talk you about my blogging experience
First of all, I'd like to say that I've enjoyed it. I guess that is an interesting way to learn an improve a language knowledge, and also using the technology is more interesting for young people who learn a secondary language. Otherwise, using internet is faster and it allows the students to access to many educational ressources, such as dictionaries, web traduction sites, and, the most important I guess, you can access to any websites made in the language you learn, in our situation to the british sites, and there you can know new vocabulary and usual expressions.
In my experience, like I sayed above, I've enjoyed blogging in the english class because it is more interesting that working with traditional methods, as dictionaries and books.
I think that this kind of activity have helped myself to improve my english, at least my written english, although the grammar and vocabulary corrections were not so specific, and it is possible -is sure, I guess I continue to make several mistakes.
Then, in reference to the advantages of blogging in the english class, I can include all I sayed at the beginning, and I’d add that this activity favors the interaction between the students. Talking about the disadvantages of blogging in the class, I think that there aren’t disadvantages in a strict sense, but somethings could be improved, for example favoring the interaction amongst the classmates and including posts in other blogs out of the class, such as news sites or any other kind of websites that allows people to send comments to their contents.
Well people, this is the last post, and I’d like to tell you that it was very nice to be your classmate in the english class. It’s the same for you teacher, thank you very much.
Have a good end of semester and enjoy next holidays


vendredi 22 juin 2012


Hello dears!
Today I'm going to talk to you about my favourite animal: the elephant.
First of all, I've learnt just preparing this post that the classical classification Pachydermata, giving rise to the name "paquidermo", is now invalid.
Elephants are now the largest living land animals in Earth. Their gestation period is 22 months, the longest of any land animal. At birth, an elephant calf typically weighs 105 kilograms. They typically live for 50 to 70 years. The average male African elephant shoulder height it’s about 2.9 meters.
Healthy adult elephants have no natural predators, although lions may take calves or weak individuals. However, they are threatened by human intrusion and poaching… some stupid people hunt elephants in Africa for fun, as the King of Spain… do you remember?
One of their characteristics that I like the most, it's that elephants live in a structured social order. The male and female elephant’s social lives are very different. The females spend their entire lives in tightly knit family groups made up of mothers, daughters, sisters, and aunts. These groups are led by the eldest female, or matriarch. Adult males, on the other hand, live mostly solitary lives.

The elephant brains are the largest of any other land animal in the world. Many behaviors associated with intelligence have been attributed to elephants, as mourning, altruism, adoption, board, use of tools, compassion and self-recognition

I'd really like to have an elephant as a pet, but, obviously, this is impossible! However, I hope to one day go in Africa and know them personally and in their natural environment

Well, I guess that's all for today. Have all a very nice week-end!

vendredi 8 juin 2012

Hugo Fazio Rigazzi

  Hello dears! Today i'm going to talk you about a very important chilean that some of you have had as economy teacher in our career: Hugo Fazio Rigazzi. In the web there aren't a detailed biography -I didn't find a data that a lot of people in our faculty would like to know: his date of birth-, so I'm going to show you what I've found. Hugo Fazio exerces as economy teacher in several faculties of the ARCIS, Academia de Humanismo Cristiano and Universidad de Chile's universities. During the Salvador Allende's government, he was the Vice-President of the Chili's Central Bank. Since 1974 he publish Weekly Economic Reports and Quarterly Economic Reports, where he analyze the chilean economy. His publications deals with the chilean economy -and her global economy connections with-, and they are based in extensive and documentated researches, that are particulary focused in the social effects of the Neoliberalism Economic Model application in our country, as the uneven distribution of wealth -and the strong concentration of-. I like and strongly recommend you to read his works beacause he has a critical vision of the chilean economic and social model, founded in a lot of data and that involves a multidimensional analysis.

 Have a good week-end!

vendredi 4 mai 2012

My favourite dish Hello dears! Today I'm going to talk to you about my favourite dish: It's call "ceviche". It is made of some raw fish and/or some shellfish, lemon, onion and coriander. You can take it alone or with a piece of bread, and also you can take some chili with it. Of course, we usually take ceviche with a glass of white wine. The ceviche it's a typical dish of all the latin american countries which border the Pacific Ocean, it's because the origin of ceviche is not clearly. However, some people says it's origins from Peru. I like this dish because I love fish and seafood. You can eat it during all around the year, but we take it preferably in summer, because it's fair to enjoy a fresh ceviche when the time is hot.

vendredi 27 avril 2012

My Mp3 Player
My favourite piece of technology is my mp3 player. One of my friends gave it to me for my 27's birthday. I use it daily, mainly for listening my favourite music (that includes a very varied library, from classical music to hip-hop music)- I do it when I travel in the common transports, particularly when I travel to see my parents in Paine -because I spend one hour and a half going to their house. Also I usually listen some study text or some interesting book, because I use the Text-To-Speech technology to facilitate my reading, considered my visual impairement that makes it difficult to me to read on the bus. Otherwise, I use my mp3 player to record my university courses and other interesting activities like seminars, meetings, etc. I like this device because it allows me to enjoy my favorite music and to study and reading both. I guess I can live without it, but in that case life would be more silent and harder to me...

vendredi 20 avril 2012

Cultura profética is a Puerto Rican music band. The play reggae music. I knew their music around 2002. but they debuted in 1998. They have 9 albums: 1998 - Canción de Alerta 1999 - Ideas Nuevas 2000 - Cultura en Vivo (Live) 2002 - Diario 2004 - Cultura en Directo!!! (Live) 2005 - M.O.T.A. 2007 - Tribute to the Legend Bob Marley (Live) 2010 - La Dulzura Their music shows a fusion with other rhythms, like Bossa Nova and Jazz. specially since their second album. Ideas Nuevas. Their lyrics concerns socio-political issues that shows their opinion about the political situation in Puerto Rico and Latina America -specially about the relationship with the U.S.-, and also about some social problems like discrimination, racism, etc. It's precisely one of the topics that I like in this band. In fact, the most I like is the combination between the social and political subjects characteristic of reggae music and a fresh style of reggae mixed with other music styles. My favourite song is "Protesto", because I agree to their social critics and also I agree with the way they consider the best to fight against that problems.